Being Social

We anchored in Lameh Bay, Epi (16°35’52.86S, 168°9’51.84E) and went about introducing ourselves to our neighbours for the night.

It wasn’t long until we were sipping wine with our new Canadian friends.

Today also marked the first day Jenny went for a swim. She doesn’t swim in NZ (too cold for her liking) but swimming in the tropics certainly has its appeal. Just be aware that it is not necessarily refreshing, often feeling more like jumping into a tepid bath.

We had dinner back at home (onboard Waimanu) and it was quite the eclectic mix. Black beans in a mole poblano sauce with fried onions (Phil will have fried onions in absolutely everything savoury if at all possible) and local “beans”. These “beans” grow on a plant that has flowers similar to climbing beans but the vegetable is more like a cucumber or zucchini (it smells like cucumber).

Still no internet connection so here is a photo from our Efate exploration.

Local’s swimming spot

Heading North

From Port Havannah, Efate we have been heading north, island hopping as we go. Internet is basically non-existent (so no photos yet) and we have been texting the Kids when we find cell reception.

While NZ is battling temperatures of 4 degrees (in the northern North Island!! So much for sub-tropical), we have been trying to adjust to temperatures of high 20s at only 0700. Needless to say at least one offspring is jealous…

Sulua Bay, Emae Island was next up where we hoped a breeze will cool us. We had a fantastic sail up with a steady 20-25 knots over the starboard quarter but accompanied by quite a large swell.

And now we are sitting at anchor, wind humming in the rig with Phil ashore looking for locals to talk to (he just loves people!).


Sounds of an Evening


After exploring the island of Efate, we were ready to discover the coastline from another perspective. So off we went to Esema Bay, Port Havannah.

We dropped anchor at 1715 and watched the sun go down while listening to the sounds of roosters, song birds, and quiet chatter coming from neighbouring yachts.

A new business opportunity was discovered the next day. Moving moorings! Once upon a time, many moons ago, Jenny and the kids sailed across Kawau Bay to Mansion House. At the conclusion of a day exploring the gardens, we attempted to pick up the anchor and instead discovered the majority of a waterlogged pine tree coming up with it. It was rather a mission involved sailing backwards (the engine had cut out and wouldn’t restart. Don’t worry, it is all fixed now), a few shaky moments, and a lot of cheering from other yachties. Back in Esema Bay, we went to look at a huge ketch that Cyclone Pam had brought ashore. When it was time to leave we got our anchor part way up and figured there was a tree on it. Now quite experienced at this, we slowly dragged it towards our anchorage, hoping we wouldn’t need a diver in the morning. Trying again it let go……leaving a very encrusted mooring buoy in our wake!

Roadtripping Efate


Mele Bay

Friday was spent visiting the neighbouring ship, Pacific Hope. As part of the Mercy Ships, she works in the Islands performing minor eye and dental operations with a major outcome (removing cataracts is a small operation but when you’re basically blind, it is life changing). The work they do is both awe inspiring and fantastic but a great reality check.

One of Pacific Hope’s operating theaters

Once all of the inter-island permits and customs regulations were cleared up plus Vanuatu sim cards purchased,  Phil decided it would be a fantastic idea to hire a car for the day and explore the island of Efate (Port Vila is located on this island).


By 0830, it was already sweating hot. Co-ordinated pink was Jenny’s colour of the day dressed as unintentionally touristy as possible as the remedy was still being made by a lovely local lady.

Enjoying a cool breeze

Having been a French territory, Vanuatu still drives on the right-hand side of the road (as Kiwis, we’re used to driving on the left). While Phil has lots of experience at driving on both sides having spent eight months living in a camper van and driving around mainland Europe in the ’90s, it has been some time since he had the practice. This meant Jenny regularly felt like the ditch was just a little too close for comfort.

Coral backroads

Exploring coral backroads and enjoying stunning views, we had lunch at Le Life Resort (on the opposite side of the island to Port Vila) and found the Blue Lagoon that afternoon. If only we had discovered it earlier in the day!

Blue Lagoon

Temping as it was to go for a swim, it was getting rather late and being a lot closer to the equator than NZ, dusk was looming so home we headed.

View from our place (with Pacific Hope in the distance)