Sounds of an Evening


After exploring the island of Efate, we were ready to discover the coastline from another perspective. So off we went to Esema Bay, Port Havannah.

We dropped anchor at 1715 and watched the sun go down while listening to the sounds of roosters, song birds, and quiet chatter coming from neighbouring yachts.

A new business opportunity was discovered the next day. Moving moorings! Once upon a time, many moons ago, Jenny and the kids sailed across Kawau Bay to Mansion House. At the conclusion of a day exploring the gardens, we attempted to pick up the anchor and instead discovered the majority of a waterlogged pine tree coming up with it. It was rather a mission involved sailing backwards (the engine had cut out and wouldn’t restart. Don’t worry, it is all fixed now), a few shaky moments, and a lot of cheering from other yachties. Back in Esema Bay, we went to look at a huge ketch that Cyclone Pam had brought ashore. When it was time to leave we got our anchor part way up and figured there was a tree on it. Now quite experienced at this, we slowly dragged it towards our anchorage, hoping we wouldn’t need a diver in the morning. Trying again it let go……leaving a very encrusted mooring buoy in our wake!

Where did the wind go?

Received this bonus message from Phil last night:

Nice day. Very nice sunset. Had Code Zero up for short time. Going nicely. catch u tomorrow. LOVE YOU

And midday message today:

S294202 E1721316 COG350T SOG5 Sailing after 21 hours motoring. Beans n onions for lunch. Pink Floyd on. LOVE YOU

I’ll put the coordinates on the map when I’m back on the computer- currently posting from my phone. Don’t you love technology when it works well?

There can’t have been much wind if he was motoring yesterday.

I received a message this morning with course instructions for making the most of the next weather phase, and it looks like nice sailing conditions! Yay!

Speaking of YAY! – didn’t they do well?!

Systems are go?

So today’s collection of satellite texts came in to my email account [insert technical mumbo jumbo here about how systems communicate and what the various options are. NOT!]

Here ya go, in all their raw glory:
1st message
Today, 11:39 a.m.
all well. S314525 E1725905 Log 330 COG345T SOG5/6

2nd message
Today, 11:43 a.m.
ME! Learning. Eating again. Having FUN

3rd message
Today, 11:51 a.m.
noon to noon yesterday 144 Today 1380 Some Rain. Sunny now. SSG fantastic. will try text again tomorrow. love to aii

Now I’m going to take a wild guess and say you might be feeling a little confused.
I’ll attempt a translation which I’m hoping is fairly correct (since I can’t actually ask TheMan right now)

1st message, received today at 11:39 a.m.
* Everything is going well. This is where I am [look at the map, I’ll try to attach an updated link] I’ve travelled 330 nautical miles of the trip so far. I’m heading the right way and I am sailing 5-6 knots [between 9 & 11 k/h]

2nd message, received today at 11:43 a.m. is a reply to one I sent asking what was wrong with the phone [because the nice man on the telephone, calling from The-Ship-Not-Windows-Support said there were issues with it, but Phil probably meant something else] So this one seems to mean
* There’s nothing wrong with the phone, it was me. I’m learning, I’m eating again, I’m having FUN! [This is good, it’s quite normal to not really want to eat when you first leave, especially if it’s stressful]

3rd message, received today at 11:51 a.m.
* Yesterday I sailed 144 nautical miles [267km] and today I’ve done 138nm [255km, I’m guessing that 1380 is a typo and should be 138.] It’s been raining, but it’s sunny now. The thing I built to steer the boat by itself is working really well and I love it. I will have another go at texting tomorrow. Pass my love on to everybody.


Well he’s all packed up, motored out of Sandspit Marina on Friday morning and headed for Marsden Cove where he cleared Customs at 8:45 yesterday morning 🙂

I’ll keep today’s post simple: here’s a map